发布日期:2024-09-12 23:54 点击次数:119
The true progress of cultivation is reflected in whether a person's behavior increasingly follows the law of causality.
Nothing in the world happens by chance, and every event must have a reason. This is the most fundamental law of the universe.
Of course, human destiny also follows this law, and it is not only Buddhism that agrees with the law of causality, but also Christianity, Hinduism, and so on.
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The ancient Greek philosopher So迪士尼彩乐园全民彩票crates and the great scientist Newton also believed that this is the most fundamental law of the universe.
Human thoughts, language, and behavior are all 'causes' and will produce corresponding' effects'.
If the 'cause' is good, then the 'effect' is also good; If the 'cause' is bad, then the 'effect' is also bad.
As long as a person has thoughts, they will inevitably continue to "plant causes", and whether to plant "good causes" or "evil causes" is determined by the person themselves.
So, in order to cultivate destiny, one must first pay attention to and understand what kind of language and behavior each of their thoughts and actions will trigger, and what kind of results these words and actions will lead to.